Our academy

20 may 2013 Comparte
• Professors Aramis Rodríguez and Ricardo Vallenilla were accepted to attend the Global Colloquium on Participant Centered Learning, to be held at the Harvard Business School next July. 
• Professor Norma Ortiz participated in the 2013 annual BALAS Conference with a speech entitled “The impact of political risk on the sovereign spread: The case of Latin America and the Euro Zone”, which was held at Universidad ESAN in the city of Lima, Peru. 
• Professor José Manuel Puente participated as a moderator-speaker at the Plan País 2013 event organized by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, U.S.A.

  • Presentation “PDVSA after Chavez” by Prof. Pedro Luis Rodríguez at the Forum on “Global Energy in a Post Chavez Era” in New York;
  • Participation by Prof. Pedro Luis Rodríguez as a commentator at the “2012 Seminar Report on Economy and Development” event, organized jointly by the IESA and the CAF;
  • “OPEC Model” seminar given by Prof. Pedro Luis Rodríguez for students of the UCAB;
  • “Oil Prospects” presentation made by Prof. Pedro Luis Rodríguez at the Ecoanalítica Prospects Forum;
  • “Oil Prospects” presentation by Prof. Pedro Luis Rodríguez at the 2013 Panorama forum organized by the Venezuelan British Chamber of Commerce;
  • Professor Aramis Rodríguez spearheaded the organization of the 2013 The Americas STEP Meeting  (family-owned enterprises) to be held in May in Viña del Mar, Chile;
  • Professor Jorge Menéndez participated in the 2013 Directors Conference: Paradigm shifts and Promising Practices.

Other good news: IESA is now part of the Enlaces network that gathers six of the most important business schools in Latin America. The first event of the network, entitled “Desafíos de la Innovación Empresarial en América Latina” (in English, ¨Challenges of Enterprising Innovation in Latin America¨) took place in Cartagena, Colombia, and presented the results of the research conducted by schools in six countries: Brazil - FDC, Chile - UC, Colombia - Uniandes, Argentina. IESA's outstanding participation in the research prompted an invitation to be part of this network as a regular member. Our presentation was on the Venezuela Chapter of the 2012 Innovation survey (Cartagena, Colombia. Prof. Nunzia Auletta was the speaker and is the author of this research jointly with Edwin Ojeda).

New publications

4 new ISI publications

  • “Expropriation Risk and Housing Prices: Evidence from an Emerging Market” by Professors Urbi Garay and Miguel Ángel Santos, published in the Journal of Business Research- JBR special issue on BALAS 2013 Conference;
  •  "Capriles Radonski and the New Venezuelan Opposition", written by Professor Michael Penfold for Foreign Affairs in 2012;
  •  "Maduro Moves Up, Venezuela After Chavez", also by Professor Michael Penfold, for Foreign Affairs in April 2013;
  •  “Study Case: Miss Venezuela, more than a beauty”, by Professors María Helena Jaén and Nunzia Auletta, in Academia journal.

Chapters in university editorial academic book: 
  • Ricardo Hausmann and Francisco Rodríguez, editors (2013) Venezuela: Anatomy of a Collapse. Penn State University Press;
  • Francisco Monaldi and Michael Penfold: Institutional Collapse: The Rise and Breakdown of Democratic Governance in Venezuela;
  • Daniel Ortega: Much Higher Schooling, Much lower Wages: Human Capital and Economic Collapse in Venezuela;
  • Osmel Manzano: Venezuela after a Century of Oil Exploitation.

Another outstanding international publication was that of Professors Edgar Elías Osuna and Henryk Gzyl in the International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences: “A further extension of Osuna's model for psychological stress”.
Other related news:

Our school hosted the 75th Meeting of the Section on Postgraduate Authorities (NAP). This collegiate entity includes representatives of public and private universities and schools of postgraduate studies nationwide and constitutes an opportunity for exchange among peers, apart from a link to the popular power ministry for university education, the national university council and the national consultants´ council on postgraduate courses. At this meeting, Professor Ernesto Blanco spoke on “Trends in fourth-level university education in international management schools. Actions we could execute. The IESA's Experience”.

The Debates IESA magazine published the number corresponding to January–March 2013, dedicated to Enterprising Families. The Entrepreneurs' Center coordinated this volume with Debates IESA. Contributors to this issue: Edwin Ojeda, Nunzia Auletta, Patricia Monteferrante and Aramis Rodríguez.

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